Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Apple Gets It Up for Counterfeiting

Monday, August 29, 2011
Keep your friends close...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Zeus Targets Victims Using The RSA SecurID Breach as Bait

Zeus, and other hack attempts of RSA SecurID users will be on the increase. The number of phishing, spear phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks will be on the upswing and more such breaches will come to light. The key thing is for institutions, whether small or large, to adopt as many preventative measures as possible to mitigate such risks.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Small is Beautiful - Hackers are PC and Target Small Firms

With limited budgets and few or no technical experts on staff, small businesses generally have weak security. Cyber criminals have taken notice. In 2010, the U.S. Secret Service and Verizon Communications Inc.'s forensic analysis unit, which investigates attacks, responded to a combined 761 data breaches, up from 141 in 2009. Of those, 482, or 63%, were at companies with 100 employees or fewer. Visa Inc. estimates about 95% of the credit-card data breaches it discovers are on its smallest business customers.......................
..........In the time it takes to break into a major company like Citigroup Inc., a hacker could steal data from dozens of small businesses and not get detected, says Bryce Case Jr., a former hacker who broke into several government and corporate websites a decade ago and now runs an online message board for hackers called Digital Gangster. Now that small companies use computers, "the juice has become worth the squeeze," he says. "Even a pizza place has addresses, names and credit-card information."
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Man-in-the-Battery Attack

“You could put a whole hard drive in, reinstall the software, flash the BIOS, and every time it would reattack and screw you over. There would be no way to eradicate or detect it other than removing the battery.” says Miller.
Charlie Miller plans on offering a tool to correct this potential security exploit at the upcoming Black Hat conference in August called "Caulkgun".
Friday, July 22, 2011
DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Hits Santander Bank In Brazil

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Activists Activate Attacks - Google Users Hacked Via IE

Google users are being victimized, apparently by politically motivated hackers. From the Google Online Security Blog:
We’ve noticed some highly targeted and apparently politically motivated attacks against our users. We believe activists may have been a specific target. We’ve also seen attacks against users of another popular social site. All these attacks abuse a publicly-disclosed MHTML vulnerability for which an exploit was publicly posted in January 2011. Users browsing with the Internet Explorer browser are affected.For now, we recommend concerned users and corporations seriously consider deploying Microsoft's temporary Fixit to block this attack until an official patch is available.To help protect users of our services, we have deployed various server-side defenses to make the MHTML vulnerability harder to exploit. That said, these are not tenable long-term solutions, and we can’t guarantee them to be 100% reliable or comprehensive. We’re working with Microsoft to develop a comprehensive solution for this issue.
As noted above, Microsoft has issued a temporary fix, but it's just that: temporary. Users are still exposed and so is their data. User's should look into two-factor authentication to mitigate the loss of their username and password data. Google Authenticator is one such tool, and 2D barcode technology exists for those seeking stronger challenge-response security.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Apple Fixes JailBreak Hole, But Not For Long

Apple did not take long to respond to the hacking exploit and released a security fix roughly 2 weeks after JailBreakMe 3.0, the only current option for jailbreaking an iPad 2, arrived.
One day later, JailBreakMe is up and running once more, with an (anti)patch for the Apple patch. While not nearly as convenient as the last version (the hack now requires tethering, and must be repeated upon each reboot), the fact remains that Apple is once again exposed. The "bricking" threat for Apple iPhones we previously addressed (amongst others) on this blog continues to exist.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Death of One-Time Passwords?

A number of institutions have adopted one-time passwords as part of their two-factor authentication defense systems. Banks have instituted mainly SMS OTPs for their online banking. This has been a cost-effective preventative measure against phishing and pharming attacks. But as in every arms race, once the ante is raised, the hackers keep pace with any security development. We have always argued that such measures will only form a short-term solution, and that entities must plan for the looming worst case scenarios, sooner rather than later. With the emergence of a new class of man-in-the-middle attacks that leverage mobile phone operating systems and "talk" with the OS, the Man-in-the-Phone (sometimes referred as Man-in-the-Mobile or MitMo attacks), more online banking users are being targeted now.
Zeus, one of the most successful Man-in-the-Middle malware programs, has now emerged on the Android platform after already targeting the BlackBerry and Symbian OSes. Zeus on the mobile is often referred to as Zitmo. It poses as the trusted bank application Rapport, by Trusteer, and harvests SMS OTPs and Mobile Transaction Authentication Numbers (MTANs), then forwards them to a central server.
We will start to see more and more variants of these malware applications and browser exploits as more institutions use "weak" security on mobile phones. Banks and other entities should take a closer look at adopting challenge-response and transaction data signing if they want to futureproof themselves rather than continue firefighting. The recent security attacks have shown that hackers are the modern day equivalents of Willie Suttons. There will be more to come.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
JailBreakMe is a Free Pass for Hackers

Sites like JailBreakMe make the process much simpler.
But if visiting the JailBreakMe website with Safari can cause a security vulnerability to run the site's code, just imagine how someone with more nefarious intentions could also abuse the vulnerability to install malicious code on your iPad or iPhone.
If they exploited the same vulnerability in a copy-cat manoeuvre, cybercriminals could create booby-trapped webpages that could - if visited by an unsuspecting iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad owner - run code on visiting devices.
A website like JailBreakMe is making it easy to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad - but it could also be said to be giving a blueprint to malicious hackers on how to infect such devices with malware.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Phish Speared By The FBI

Kenneth Lucas II, 27, of Los Angeles who led the U.S. arm of a global phishing operation that resulted in more than 100 arrests in 2009, previously pleaded guilty to 49 counts of bank and wire fraud, aggravated identity theft, computer fraud and money laundering conspiracy.....About 50 individuals from California, Nevada and North Carolina, in addition to another 50 Egyptian citizens, were charged.
Mobiles More Secure Than Desktops?

Symantec just released a whitepaper titled "A Window Into Mobile Device Security" examining the security risks that surround iOS and Android mobile devices in the enterprise market. Some key conclusions:
- While offering improved security over traditional desktop-based operating systems, both iOS and Android are still vulnerable to many existing categories of attacks.
- iOS’s security model offers strong protection against traditional malware, primarily due to Apple’s rigorous app certification process and their developer certification process, which vets the identity of each software author and weeds out attackers.
- Google has opted for a less rigorous certification model, permitting any software developer to create and release apps anonymously, without inspection. This lack of certification has arguably led to today’s increasing volume of Android-specific malware.
- Users of both Android and iOS devices regularly synchronize their devices with 3rd-party cloud services (e.g., web-based calendars) and with their home desktop computers. This can potentially expose sensitive enterprise data stored on these devices to systems outside the governance of the enterprise..
- So-called “jailbroken” devices, or devices whose security has been disabled, offer attractive targets for attackers since these devices are every bit as vulnerable as traditional PCs.
As we are entering a world where the smartphone is on the ascent and rapidly replacing the desktop for a number of enterprise and consumer applications, the bad guys will start pointing their guns there as well. Apple was relatively safer vis-a-vis Microsoft-based PCs simply because the cost/benefit for targeting Macs made no sense in the past. Once Apples became more popular, the malware purveyors started targeting Apples as well. Most Man-in-the-Middle attacks target PCs. But a new generation of malware has started to emerge and the mobile variant is often referred to as Man-in-the-Phone (also known as Man-in-the-Mobile or MitMo attacks). Android versions like the Droid Kung Fu started to populate many of the Android application stores, and other applications that "stole" username/password credentials even managed to pass the strict Apple App Store process. Of course, there are also other ways of hijacking mobile platforms, such as exploiting zero day vulnerabilities and browser poisoning.
The very success of smartphones will make it a juicier target for malware authors and hackers, even if they are relatively more secure now, as Symantec argues. Just don't get carried away with a false sense of security: that is precisely the mindset that allows hackers to successfully fire their salvos.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Military Personnel To Be Spear Phished

On June 7, 2011, the Gannett Government Media family of websites suffered a cyber attack that resulted in some users being unable to access parts or all of the websites. We also discovered that the attacker gained unauthorized access to files containing information of some of our users. The information in those files included first and last name, userID, password, email address, the internal number we assigned to the account, and, if provided, ZIP code, duty status, paygrade, and branch of service.
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - Now Selling Malware

....Innovative Marketing had some 600 employees and 34 servers disseminating malware, most of them operating from a traditional office complex in Kiev. The corporate empire included divisions that handled credit card payments, the call center in Ohio, and several adult websites that did double duty as vectors for the fake antivirus software. McAfee noted that Innovative Marketing logged 4.5 million orders during an 11-month period in 2008; at $35 per order, the annual revenue apparently neared $180 million. That's better than the $150 million that Twitter will pull in this year, according to an estimate by the market research firm eMarketer.
One distributor, Avprofit.com, promised on its website that it would pay between $300 and $750 for every 1,000 installations in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, or Australia, where the chance is higher of encountering victims who can afford to pay what the fake warnings demand. Experience required: Avprofit sought hackers with "minimum average 250 installs per day."
Many of the affiliates do extremely well. SecureWorks, a unit of Dell, analyzed the distribution of a fake antivirus program called Antivirus XP 2008 via an outfit called Bakasoftware, which was based in Russia. According to documents provided by the hacker behind Bakasoftware, who went by the nickname Krab, one of his top affiliates was able to fool 154,825 people into installing copies of malware on their computers in 10 days, with 2,772 victims going on to enter their credit card numbers. If the documents are accurate, Krab's affiliate scuttled away with $146,524 in that brief period
These malware vendors are very innovative and have been employing multiple vectors to "sell" their wares including poisoning search engines like Bing and Google and are now going after social networks like Facebook and Twitter as well:
....search engines might be the predominant vector now, says Stefan Savage, a computer scientist at the University of California, San Diego. The scam artists play a variety of search optimization tricks to fool the algorithms that Google, Bing, and other engines use to determine which Web links to show in response to search requests. Generally, a page on an infected site (such as Kiwiblitz.com) is quietly stuffed with trendy search terms and links to images. Then the malicious players interlink pages—hundreds or thousands of them—so that the search engines' Web-crawling programs rank the infected page near the top for apparent popularity and relevance. Denis Sinegubko, a malware researcher in Russia, believes that criminals "have managed to hijack search results on the first pages of Google Image search for millions of keywords." As a result, he estimates, people clicked on poisoned image-search results 15 million times a month this past spring. Google says it has since reduced the number of malicious links in image searches by 90 percent from peak levels, and a spokesman emphasized that it continues to plug holes in its algorithms to head off new methods of attack. Google says that 0.5 percent of searches bring back returns that include at least one known malicious website. This might sound low, but given that Google handles more than a billion searches daily, it means that five million search returns every day bear a malicious link.
As long as the economics are so compelling we will see these scammers continue to innovate as we buffer our defenses. It seems like it will be one long slog with lots of collateral damage like the never ending War on Drugs.
Citigroup Falling Behind on TPS Reports

A former Citigroup Inc. employee was arrested and charged with allegedly embezzling more than $19 million from the bank in "the ultimate inside job," federal prosecutors said on Monday.
The case shows how management of increasingly complex derivatives transactions may create more illicit opportunities for staffers involved in their administration. Robert Jossen, a partner in the white-collar securities litigation practice at Dechert LLP, said such transactions involve "increasing use of sophisticated computer programs, electronic access and speed, none of which involves face-to-face interaction. This combination of factors may increase the temptation to seek personal gain."
Mr. Foster allegedly put a phony contract or deal numbers in the reference lines for his wire transfers to make them look like they were for legitimate contracts.Yet another (and another) inside job. While not exactly an attack, it remains an example of a company with poor security monitoring. Citigroup is lucky Mr. Foster just took money, and that they didn't lose face and valuable market capitalization, as well. This should be a cakewalk for Citigroup, compared to their previous mishaps; it's not that they have no experience with these things...
There is a solution to this, of course, to prevent future incidents. We've recommended strong two-factor authentication before, utilizing challenge-response and transaction data signing, for user-side transaction authentication. The same technology can be used on both ends, and authenticate employees and transactions internally at companies. This is important for non-repudiation purposes.
2FA: Squared.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
GeoHot, The Sony Effect, The Untouchables, and Jon Stewart

You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way! And that's how you get Capone. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal? - Malone (Sean Connery) from The Untouchables
George Hotz, nom-de-hack GeoHot, has just been hired by Facebook. If we jog our memories, he was the hacker who broke the Sony PS3 encryption libraries. After which, Sony came after him with the full force of the law and the DMCA act. In his purported defense came the hacker's army where they turned Sony and its multiple affilitiates into a digital pinata. The Sony Effect. Pick on one hacker, you get an army coming after you. At least that's what hacktivists like Anonymous and LulzSec would have us believe. But behind all this noise of the "grey" hats lurks the malevolent hacks. And Sony et al. are forced to they pick their fights, lest they be pushed into a corner by an anonymous army of keyboard commandos. As is often the case, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart highlighted the dilemma we face when dealing with prepubescents, where you run the risk of an outcry from those who are really criminal.
Monday, June 27, 2011
YouSendIt Founder/CEO Jailed For DDoS Attacks

Mr. Shaikh sent an ApacheBench computer code to YouSendIt’s servers. ApacheBench is a benchmarking program used for measuring the performance of computers known as web servers. ApacheBench was designed to determine the number of requests per second a server is capable of serving. By intentionally transmitting the ApacheBench program to YouSendIt’s servers, Mr. Shaikh was able to overwhelm the servers’ capabilities and render it unable to handle legitimate network traffic.This is again one of the more insidious type of cybercrimes, the inside job, that companies and enterprises have to keep their guards up for at all times. It's a tough crime to...ahem, "Shaikh"... as the former employees (in this case founder/former CEO/CTO) have intricate knowledge of the inner workings of most IT infrastructures compared to outside attackers. Let's hope less former employees go rogue. After all, the DoJ just pulled off a "YouJailIt."
The Ugly Set Sail For Fail? - LulzSec Forced to Hang Up Their Spurs or Walk the Plank

There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window. - Tuco (The UGLY)LulzSec, aka Lulz Security, announced that they were retiring after a 50 day rampage through the digital world. Many have speculated that the digital noose was tightening around them and their high profile antics and brags were coming to an end. So better leave the party before the punch is finished? Or were they forced to leave the party by the bouncers or other digital attendants who were one better than them?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
WordPress Forces Password Resets As A Precautionary Move

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Sony France Hacked - A Lebanese and French Pair Beat LulzSec To The Bragging Rights

LulzSec Apprehended?- At Least Now Essex Boys And Not Just Girls Are In The News

LulzSec had this to say on the arrest:
LulzSec The Lulz BoatSeems the glorious leader of LulzSec got arrested, it's all over now... wait... we're all still here! Which poor b*!x?!* did they take down?
Dropbox Dropped The Security Ball - Hacking Into Anyone's Account Was A Fingertip Away

So I went to dropbox to change my password & the password change page looked flakey - I can't describe this in much more detail than so say that I clicked ok and nothing really seemed to happen. Did it work? Not sure, let's try the old password. Oh, it still works, so let's change it again. That appeared to work (I got a password updated message) - let's try the new password. Yup, good. Wait, I'm pretty sure I fat-fingered an extra character though -- etc. Which led to me realizing that any password at all was fine, at which point I logged into the accounts of two friends using 1-character passwords like 'q' and 'z'.In response, Arash Ferdowsi, CTO of Dropbox, posted on the corporate blog:
Hi Dropboxers,As more and more of us entrust our data jewels to the cloud, lets hope that services like Dropbox go on the offensive with regards to security practices and don't drop the ball. Let's hope they adopt stronger authentication methods than static username/passwords like one-time passwords or better yet challenge-response based logins.
Yesterday we made a code update at 1:54pm Pacific time that introduced a bug affecting our authentication mechanism. We discovered this at 5:41pm and a fix was live at 5:46pm. A very small number of users (much less than 1 percent) logged in during that period, some of whom could have logged into an account without the correct password. As a precaution, we ended all logged in sessions.
Monday, June 20, 2011
In Bitcoin We Trust - The Currency of Choice of Hackers Hacked

"Let this be an example to take the security of your wallet.dat files very seriously. I never thought bitcoin would attract criminals so quickly but yet here it is." -allinvainWhile Bitcoin received undue publicity and attacks by politicians like Senator Charles Schumer, it has emerged as perhaps the world's first digital currency for physical goods and services (unlike digital currencies like Linden Dollars where you could only purchase virtual goods). Established in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto (assumed to be his nom-de-hack) it has taken a life of its own. Although it is not fiat currency and has no central banker, it has emerged as the new target of hackers as there is a real "tradable" value to it. While LulzSec, a prominent hacking group, accepted donations in Bitcoins (roughly 7000 dollars worth), new hacking groups have gone after Bitcoins as there is real money there. A new trojan/malware titled Infostealer.Coinbit has been identified as specifically going after Bitcoins. A Bitcoin user with the handle "allinvain" (quoted above) has claimed that he has been defrauded of 25,000 Bitcoins which is the equivalent of almost 500 thousand USD depending on the exchange rate of the day. Maybe the politicians should let the hackers do the attacks to undermine the digital currency and let Ben Bernnanke sleep well at night.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Sega Hacked By Keyboard Commandos - Joins Nintendo, Sony, Bethesda, Epic Et Al.

And that's all there is to it, that's what appeals to our Internet generation. We're attracted to fast-changing scenarios, and we can't stand repetitiveness, and we want our shot of entertainment or we just go and browse something else, like an unimpressed zombie. Nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan, anyway...This is the Internet, where we screw each other over for a jolt of satisfaction. There are peons and lulz lizards; trolls and victims.
Over the last 24 hours we have identified that unauthorised entry was gained to our SEGA Pass database.We immediately took the appropriate action to protect our consumers’ data and isolate the location of the breach. We have launched an investigation into the extent of the breach of our public systems....We have identified that a subset of SEGA Pass members emails addresses, dates of birth and encrypted passwords were obtained. To stress, none of the passwords obtained were stored in plain text.Please note that no personal payment information was stored by SEGA as we use external payment providers, meaning your payment details were not at risk from this intrusion.
Battered Customers Wait For RSA SecurID Replacements

That means it could take at least six to eight months to replace all of the tokens, and at least two months to replace a third of them. The manufacturing bottleneck could be even greater given RSA tokens typically expire after three years and must be replaced.But this demonstrates that the Laws of Inertia apply beyond the realm of physics and couch potatoes to corporate and government IT departments as well. The latest round of hacks have clearly made headlines, but preventing current and future hacks require a clean break from past best practices and require an out-of-the-box mindset. Otherwise, we will see more and more prominent hacks and one day they may be relegated to the inner pages of our daily rags just like Iraq and Afghanistan hardly make the headlines anymore.
Citibank Breach - Are Hacks The New Subprime?

Citibank admits to a security breach affecting over 210,000 customers. They admitted it one month after the cyberattack. Are there more damaging releases that have been withheld? Is this the drip water torture of Chinese fame? How do we know this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Is it like thedoublespeak of RSA fame? Is it one of a string of damning breaches of Sony fame?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Who You Gonna Call? Hackbusters Needed Against Keyboard Commandos

Death, Taxes And Now Hacks??

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
LulzSec Has Taken Down The CIA Website & Prank Called The FBI

According to their Twitter update, LulzSec is listening to their fan base:
@LulzSec The Lulz BoatOhohhohawhaw, Pierre Dubois and Francois Deluxe are currently taking many phone calls!
That dude from Mythbusters is in our X-Factor database leak, true story.
@LulzSec The Lulz Boat
I Got Hacks In Every Area Code - Call The Hackathon - Pierre Dubois & Francois Deluxe Are Listening

Saturday, June 11, 2011
IMF Annus Horriblis - Cyberattack Succeeds In Major Data Breach

The fund told employees June 8 that it would replace their RSA SecurID tokens. EMC Corp.’s RSA security-systems unit offered to swap the tokens after a breach of its own network, disclosed in March, resulted in the theft of RSA data. A SecurID device is shaped like a key fob or a computer-memory stick and generates random-number passwords used to gain access to a computer network.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Citibank Hacked - The Hits Keep On Coming Muhammad Ali Style

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
RSA (In) SecurID Pulls A Sony

"we are confident that the information extracted does not enable a successful direct attack on any of our RSA SecurID customers."
- An offer to replace SecurID tokens for customers with concentrated user bases typically focused on protecting intellectual property and corporate networks.
- An offer to implement risk-based authentication strategies for consumer-focused customers with a large, dispersed user base, typically focused on protecting web-based financial transactions.